Good morning everyone - there are a number of different items to bring to your attention today...
1. The PMSC Ice Races are a GO! Please …
The Peterborough Motorsport Club's ice race scheduled for March 4 - 5 at the Minden Fair Grounds is a go!
Ice Race Division Bulletin: 2023-IC-01 Testing of DOT Pre-Studded Tires
To view this document please click the link…
Don't have a doctor or simply can't get in to see them in time to renew you license? We can help!
Thanks to Chris Lawson, the Chief Regional…
Welcome to ice racing: The accessible and unpredictable motorsport putting women in the driver’s seat.
Hot off the press - this weekend's event is a GO!
A note from the Kinmen:
Due to the rain on Thursday the paddock…