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The path to obtaining a CASC-OR road racing license is quite simple, it starts with an interview with the Chief Race Coach/Instructor. contact them at During your interview, you will discuss your background in racing, your racing intentions and interests, the type of car you plan on racing, etc. Our Chief Instructor will guide you to the program best suited to your existing skills and experience, as shown below.

If you already have significant on-track experience or a CASC-OR recognized road racing license from another organization, there is a FAST-TRACK LICENSING path to obtain your CASC-OR racing license. Please fill out the form HERE. Once it is submitted, we will contact you for an interview.

Unless you already have substantial on-track or previous road racing experience with a CASC-OR recognized road racing license, everyone starts racing in Ontario by completing and passing a CASC-OR sanctioned racing school, which includes passing the CASC-OR approved Race Procedures Exam. Currently, there are two ASN/GDS-accredited, CASC-OR-sanctioned racing schools in Ontario:

Both of these organizations offer race license qualification programs, generally throughout the racing season.  For more details, please contact them directly.

After graduation from your racing school, the Chief Race Coach/Instructor will assign you with a CASC-OR Licensed Coach Instructor to mentor you during your first racing season.

Membership in a CASC Ontario Region-affiliated club is also required to qualify for your road racing license and road racing competition. Click here for the list of affiliated clubs in the region. Most of the race-organizing clubs have a majority of members involved in racing themselves, and they will gladly answer your questions.

To get your license, you then submit your graduation certificate from your racing school, the completed CASC-OR license application – click here for access to the full application form, your completed medical form signed by your doctor, and your club membership information, along with the license fee to the CASC-OR office.

Road Race License Process