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Author: CASC Office on Thursday, January 30, 2025 - 19:05

Last call to REGISTER for this weekend's ice races before we decide which classes of cars will be running together...

Tom Prentice, from the Kin, told me we used about 1 inch of ice last weekend.  He was happy about that.  He also said they'd be able to flood some more this week to build it back up. Also good.  The weather forecast is good.  I am fairly confident we will be racing this weekend.

So, what are you waiting for?  REGISTER so we can set the run groups.  

At the time I am writing this e-mail, we have 27 entries on Sat and 31 on Sunday.  At that rate, we should combine all the rubber to ice in one group, and the street studs in another.  We don't want to do that, but there need to be enough entries to justify running separate groups.  Right now, I believe I am the only entry in the Street Cup and in the Lexus/RWD class.  Come on people!

Tomorrow will will send out the "GO - NO GO" e-mail and designate which SCHEDULE we will be using.  If you want a stand-alone run group you need to call your family, friends, and worse enemies and get them to register to go ice racing this weekend!

See you at the track.  T