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Author: CASC Office on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 20:46

Time Attack Report 2023:

Overall Summary: 
Ontario Time Attack (OTA) successfully conducted their 2023 season of six events without issue and con!nues to op!mize their opera!ons to get close to ensuring 3 heats of 3 hot laps per heat during compe!!on por!on of the day in the a%ernoon through effec!ve track releases and spacing. Event aendance averaged to around 83% for the year and further improvements to alleviate costs (such as beer live gridding communica!on) are incoming for 2024. Overall customer sa!sfac!on remains high in post event surveys with a vibrant community engagement factor that continues to shape OTA for years to come. OTA should heed this engagement and continue to nurture this to grow the grassroots motorsports community. 

OTA has tightened up proactive safety measures with an update of their self-inspection tech sheets and procedures for recognizing attendees for all mandatory meetings. Drivers are well vetted and no major issues arose from misconduct for the 2023 season. 

As a result of good marketing, strong word-of-mouth and sponsor support, OTA is self sustaining, 
financially viable and will continue to do so despite the MyLaps renewal on the timing transponders coming due in early 2024. Cost creep due to track rental pricing increasing remains the primary threat to event viability. 

OTA continues to always search for volunteers to help with the Car Classification Committee (CCC), timing team positions, general workers and a webmaster. Should you know of any persons willing to help out, please contact with the subject line of “Volunteering” and a brief message of what roles you are interested in, they can slot you in. 

2024 Schedule: 
Pending track confirmation. 

Kevin Wong 
CASC-OR Time Attack Director