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Author: CASC-OR President on Monday, March 14, 2022 - 19:35

Greeting motorsport enthusiasts. Below is a brief summary of what is happening in and about CASC-OR this month.  Hopefully by next month, May at the latest, we have an e-newsletter up and running, but for now…

General information:

LICENSING - Thanks to Deb Johnson and Anne McCallum who have been working away at issuing our 2022 licenses.  As you may recall, Deb left CASC-OR in January for a new position elsewhere, but since then she has been putting in 6 to 8 hours a week in the evenings and on weekends processing license request for us.  Anne McCallum has also been working above and beyond to see that licenses get issued in time for the up-coming season.  Thanks ladies!  If you are waiting for your license please be patient – we’ll get there.

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR – On March 21 we have a new office administrator (part-time) starting.  Her name is Jennifer di Francesco - please join me in welcoming her to our community.  Office hours will be posted, but they will also be extremely limited.  The intent of the Board is to continue to move us to an on-line format for licenses and permits.  The office voicemail is being checked regularly now and the e-mail still works.  If you have some reason to go to the office in person make sure you book an appointment (or there may not be anyone there to see you!).

PRESIDENTS’ MEETING – to be held by Zoom at 10 am on March 26, 2022.  Club presidents were sent an e-mail with instructions how to register for the event a couple of weeks ago.  If anyone else would like to attend, please send me an e-mail directly and we’ll get you access.

From the Division Directors:

AUTOSLALOM ( – I am very pleased to announce that Steven Day has been appointed as the Autoslalom Director for 2022.  Steven held this position for the last few years and has generously offered to serve again.  We will be posting a master event calendar for the Autoslalom Division that lists all of the events being offered by all of the clubs, including a Regional Championship event tentatively planned for Aug 13-14.  More information to follow.

ICE RACING ( – Brad Elkins reported that there was lots of activity this year in Ice Racing.  We successfully held a 5 event series that was well attended and very competitive.  There was an end of season Drivers’ meeting held March 6, and a now that it appears most pandemic restrictions will be lifted, there will be an end of year banquet sometime in April.  A much more detailed report on how the Ice Race season went will be presented in the near future.

KARTING ( Robin Buck is meeting monthly with the Karting clubs and announced that GDS-ASN has recently released a National Karting Rulebook.  He is reviewing the book to determine if any local adjustments need to be made – the intention is to adopt the national rules if practical.  Robin will be posting a master event schedule for the Karting Clubs on the website.

RACE DIVISION ( – Ray Arlauskas reminds us that cars are back on track May 7 – 8 at CTMP for BEMC’s Spring Trophy Races.  That’s less than 2 months away folks – are you ready?    The entire race schedule is available on the website   You can also find details of the CTMP Test Day Schedule here:

We are very pleased to announce that the Bob McCallum Scholarship is being offered again for the 2022 season.  The Bob McCallum scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to new Motorsport competitors in the 2022 CASC-OR Championship competing in the F1200, F1600 or Formula Libre Championship series. For more information:

TIME ATTACK ( Kevin Wong reported that on Feb 19 the cars Classification Data base was updated with a full explanation sent to all competitors.  He also reminded everyone that the 2022 Ontario Time Attack Rules were released January 28.   Time Attack had a very exciting e-series again this year – the 4th OTAeRacing Series which was streamed live on the OTA YouTube Channel.

That’s the summary for now – lots going on in the next 60 days as the 5 “fair weather” Divisions gear up for their 2022 seasons.  If you have news you’d like to share feel free to send it to the appropriate Division Director, or to myself, or to the general office e-mail.  

See you at the track!  T